Entries by Nathan Thompson, PhD

What is the two parameter IRT model (2PL)?

Item response theory is the predominant psychometric paradigm for mid or large scale assessment.  As noted in my introductory blog post, it is actually a family of models.  In this post, we discuss the two parameter IRT model (IRT 2PL). Consider the following 3PL equation (simplified from Hambleton & Swaminathan, 1985, Eq. 3.3).  The IRT […]

What is the three parameter IRT model (3PL)?

Item response theory (IRT) is an extremely powerful psychometric paradigm that addresses many of the inadequacies of classical test theory (CTT).  If you are new to the topic, there is a broad intro here, where you will learn that IRT is actually a family of mathematical models rather than one specific one.  Today, I’m talking […]


What is classical item facility?

Classical test theory is a century-old paradigm for psychometrics – using quantitative and scientific processes to develop and analyze assessments to improve their quality.  (Nobody likes unfair tests!)  The most basic and frequently used item statistic from classical test theory is the P-value.  It is usually called item difficulty but is sometimes called item facility, […]


Linear on the fly testing

Linear on the fly testing (LOFT) is an approach to assessment delivery that increases test security by limiting item exposure. It tries to balance the advantages of linear testing (e.g., everyone sees the same number of items, which feels fairer) with the advantages of algorithmic exams (e.g., creating a unique test for everyone). In general, […]

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What is the Hofstee method for setting cutscores?

Have you heard about standard setting approaches such as the Hofstee method, or perhaps the Angoff, Ebel, Nedelsky, or Bookmark methods?  There are certainly various ways to set a defensible cutscore or a professional credentialing or pre-employment test.  Today, we are going to discuss the Hofstee method. Why Standard Setting? Certification organizations that care about […]


What is the Spearman-Brown formula?

The Spearman-Brown formula, also known as the Spearman-Brown Prophecy Formula or Correction, is a method used in evaluating test reliability.  It is based on the idea that split-half reliability has better assumptions than coefficient alpha but only estimates reliability for a half-length test, so you need to implement a correction that steps it up to […]

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What artificial intelligence and machine learning tell us about item banks?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have become buzzwords over the past few years.  As I already wrote about, they are actually old news in the field of psychometrics.   Factor analysis is a classical example of ML, and item response theory also qualifies as ML.  Computerized adaptive testing is actually an application of AI […]