vertical scaling

Vertical scaling is the process of placing scores from educational assessments that measure the same knowledge domain but at different ability levels onto a common scale (Tong & Kolen, 2008). The most common example is putting Mathematics or Language assessments for K-12 onto a single scale across grades. For example, you might have Grade 4 math curriculum, Grade 5, Grade 6… instead of treating them all as islands, we consider the entire journey and link the grades together in a single item bank. While general information about scaling can be found at What is Test Scaling?, this article will focus specifically on vertical scaling.

Why vertical scaling?

A vertical scale is incredibly important, as enables inferences about student progress from one moment to another, e. g. from elementary to high school grades, and can be considered as a developmental continuum of student academic achievements. In other words, students move along that continuum as they develop new abilities, and their scale score alters as a result (Briggs, 2010).

This is not only important for individual students, because we can track learning and assign appropriate interventions or enrichments, but also in an aggregate sense.  Which schools are growing more than others?  Are certain teachers better? Perhaps there is a noted difference between instructional methods or curricula?  Here, we are coming up to the fundamental purpose of assessment; just like it is necessary to have a bathroom scale to track your weight in a fitness regime, if a governments implements a new Math instructional method, how does it know that students are learning more effectively?

Using a vertical scale can create a common interpretive framework for test results across grades and, therefore, provide important data that inform individual and classroom instruction. To be valid and reliable, these data have to be gathered based on properly constructed vertical scales.

Vertical scales can be compared with rulers that measure student growth in some subject areas from one testing moment to another. Similarly to height or weight, student capabilities are assumed to grow with time.  However, if you have a ruler that is only 1 meter long and you are trying to measure growth 3-year-olds to 10-year-olds, you would need to link two rulers together.

Construction of Vertical Scales

Construction of a vertical scale is a complicated process which involves making decisions on test design, scaling design, scaling methodology, and scale setup. Interpretation of progress on a vertical scale depends on the resulting combination of such scaling decisions (Harris, 2007; Briggs & Weeks, 2009). Once a vertical scale is established, it needs to be maintained over different forms and time. According to Hoskens et al. (2003), a method chosen for maintaining vertical scales affects the resulting scale, and, therefore, is very important.

A measurement model that is used to place student abilities on a vertical scale is represented by item response theory (IRT; Lord, 2012; De Ayala, 2009) or the Rasch model (Rasch, 1960).  This approach allows direct comparisons of assessment results based on different item sets (Berger et al., 2019). Thus, each student is supposed to work with a selected bunch of items not similar to the items taken by other students, but still his results will be comparable with theirs, as well as with his own ones from other assessment moments.

The image below shows how student results from different grades can be conceptualized by a common vertical scale.  Suppose you were to calibrate data from each grade separately, but have anchor items between the three groups.  A linking analysis might suggest that Grade 4 is 0.5 logits above Grade 3, and Grade 5 is 0.7 logits above Grade 4.  You can think of the bell curves overlapped like you see below.  A theta of 0.0 on the Grade 5 scale is equivalent to 0.7 on the Grade 4 scale, and 1.3 on the Grade 3 scale.  If you have a strong linking, you can put Grade 3 and Grade 4 items/students onto the Grade 5 scale… as well as all other grades using the same approach.


Test design

Kolen and Brennan (2014) name three types of test designs aiming at collecting student response data that need to be calibrated:

  • Equivalent group design. Student groups with presumably comparable ability distributions within a grade are randomly assigned to answer items related to their own or an adjacent grade;
  • Common item design. Using identical items to students from adjacent grades (not requiring equivalent groups) to establish a link between two grades and to align overlapping item blocks within one grade, such as putting some Grade 5 items on the Grade 6 test, some Grade 6 items on the Grade 7 test, etc.;
  • Scaling test design. This type is very similar to common item design but, in this case, common items are shared not only between adjacent grades; there is a block of items administered to all involved grades besides items related to the specific grade.

From a theoretical perspective, the most consistent design with a domain definition of growth is scaling test design. Common item design is the easiest one to implement in practice but only if administering the same items to adjacent grades is reasonable from a content perspective. Equivalent group design requires more complicated administration procedures within one school grade to ensure samples with equivalent ability distributions.

Scaling design

The scaling procedure can use observed scores or it can be IRT-based. The most commonly used scaling design procedures in vertical scale settings are the Hieronymus, Thurstone, and IRT scaling (Yen, 1986; Yen & Burket, 1997; Tong & Harris, 2004). An interim scale is chosen in all these three methodologies (von Davier et al., 2006).

  • Hieronymus scaling. This method uses a total number-correct score for dichotomously scored tests or a total number of points for polytomously scored items (Petersen et al., 1989). The scaling test is constructed in a way to represent content in an increasing order in terms of level of testing, and it is administered to a representative sample from each testing level or grade. The within- and between-level variability and growth are set on an external scaling test, which is the special set of common items.
  • Thurstone scaling. According to Thurstone (1925, 1938), this method first creates an interim-score-scale and then normalizes distributions of variables at each level or grade. It assumes that scores on an underlying scale are normally distributed within each group of interest and, therefore, makes use of a total number-correct scores for dichotomously scored tests or a total number of points of polytomously scored items to conduct scaling. Thus, Thurstone scaling normalizes and linearly equates raw scores, and it is usually conducted within equivalent groups.
  • IRT scaling. This method of scaling considers person-item interactions. Theoretically, IRT scaling is applied for all existing IRT models, including multidimensional IRT models or diagnostic models. In practice, only unidimensional models, such as the Rasch and/or partial credit models (PCM) or the 3PL models, are used (von Davier et al., 2006).

Data calibration

When all decisions are taken, including test design and scaling design, and tests are administered to students, the items need to be calibrated with software like  Xcalibre  to establish a vertical measurement scale. According to Eggen and Verhelst (2011), item calibration within the context of the Rasch model implies the process of establishing model fit and estimating difficulty parameter of an item based on response data by means of maximum likelihood estimation procedures.

Two procedures, concurrent and grade-by-grade calibration, are employed to link IRT-based item difficulty parameters to a common vertical scale across multiple grades (Briggs & Weeks, 2009; Kolen & Brennan, 2014). Under concurrent calibration, all item parameters are estimated in a single run by means of linking items shared by several adjacent grades (Wingersky & Lord, 1983).  In contrast, under grade-by-grade calibration, item parameters are estimated separately for each grade and then transformed into one common scale via linear methods. The most accurate method for determining linking constants by minimizing differences between linking items’ characteristic curves among grades is the Stocking and Lord method (Stocking & Lord, 1983). This is accomplished with software like IRTEQ.

Summary of Vertical Scaling

Vertical scaling is an extremely important topic in the world of educational assessment, especially K-12 education.  As mentioned above, this is not only because it facilitates instruction for individual students, but is the basis for information on education at the aggregate level.

There are several approaches to implement vertical scaling, but the IRT-based approach is very compelling.  A vertical IRT scale enables representation of student ability across multiple school grades and also item difficulty across a broad range of difficulty. Moreover, items and people are located on the same latent scale. Thanks to this feature, the IRT approach supports purposeful item selection and, therefore, algorithms for computerized adaptive testing (CAT). The latter use preliminary ability estimates for picking the most appropriate and informative items for each individual student (Wainer, 2000; van der Linden & Glas, 2010).  Therefore, even if the pool of items is 1,000 questions stretching from kindergarten to Grade 12, you can deliver a single test to any student in the range and it will adapt to them.  Even better, you can deliver the same test several times per year, and because students are learning, they will receive a different set of items.  As such, CAT with a vertical scale is an incredibly fitting approach for K-12 formative assessment.

Additional Reading

Reckase (2010) states that the literature on vertical scaling is scarce going back to the 1920s, and recommends some contemporary practice-oriented research studies:

Paek and Young (2005). This research study dealt with the effects of Bayesian priors on the estimation of student locations on the continuum when using a fixed item parameter linking method. First, a within group calibration was done for one grade level; then the parameters from the common items in that calibration were fixed to calibrate the next grade level. This approach forces the parameter estimates to be the same for the common items at the adjacent grade levels. The study results showed that the prior distributions could affect the results and that careful checks should be done to minimize the effects.

Reckase and Li (2007). This book chapter depicts a simulation study of the dimensionality impacts on vertical scaling. Both multidimensional and unidimensional IRT models were employed to simulate data to observe growth across three achievement constructs. The results presented that the multidimensional model recovered the gains better than the unidimensional models, but those gains were underestimated mostly due to the common item selection. This emphasizes the importance of using common items that cover all of the content assessed at adjacent grade levels.

Li (2007). The goal of this doctoral dissertation was to identify if multidimensional IRT methods could be used for vertical scaling and what factors might affect the results. This study was based on a simulation designed to match state assessment data in Mathematics. The results showed that using multidimensional approaches was feasible, but it was important that the common items would include all the dimensions assessed at the adjacent grade levels.

Ito, Sykes, and Yao (2008). This study compared concurrent and separate grade group calibration while developing a vertical scale for nine consequent grades tracking student competencies in Reading and Mathematics. The research study used the BMIRT software implementing Markov-chain Monte Carlo estimation. The results showed that concurrent and separate grade group calibrations had provided different results for Mathematics than for Reading. This, in turn, confirms that the implementation of vertical scaling is very challenging, and combinations of decisions about its construction can have noticeable effects on the results.

Briggs and Weeks (2009). This research study was based on real data using item responses from the Colorado Student Assessment Program. The study compared vertical scales based on the 3PL model with those from the Rasch model. In general, the 3PL model provided vertical scales with greater rises in performance from year to year, but also greater increases within grade variability than the scale based on the Rasch model did. All methods resulted in growth curves having less gain along with an increase in grade level, whereas the standard deviations were not much different in size at different grade levels.


Berger, S., Verschoor, A. J., Eggen, T. J., & Moser, U. (2019, October). Development and validation of a vertical scale for formative assessment in mathematics. In Frontiers in Education (Vol. 4, p. 103).

Briggs, D. C., & Weeks, J. P. (2009). The impact of vertical scaling decisions on growth interpretations. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 28(4), 3–14.

Briggs, D. C. (2010). Do Vertical Scales Lead to Sensible Growth Interpretations? Evidence from the Field. Online Submission

De Ayala, R. J. (2009). The Theory and Practice of Item Response Theory. New York: Guilford Publications Incorporated.

Eggen, T. J. H. M., & Verhelst, N. D. (2011). Item calibration in incomplete testing designs. Psicológica 32, 107–132.

Harris, D. J. (2007). Practical issues in vertical scaling. In Linking and aligning scores and scales (pp. 233–251). Springer, New York, NY.

Hoskens, M., Lewis, D. M., & Patz, R. J. (2003). Maintaining vertical scales using a common item design. In annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Chicago, IL.

Ito, K., Sykes, R. C., & Yao, L. (2008). Concurrent and separate grade-groups linking procedures for vertical scaling. Applied Measurement in Education, 21(3), 187–206.

Kolen, M. J., & Brennan, R. L. (2014). Item response theory methods. In Test Equating, Scaling, and Linking (pp. 171–245). Springer, New York, NY.

Li, T. (2007). The effect of dimensionality on vertical scaling (Doctoral dissertation, Michigan State University. Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education).

Lord, F. M. (2012). Applications of item response theory to practical testing problems. Routledge.

Paek, I., & Young, M. J. (2005). Investigation of student growth recovery in a fixed-item linking procedure with a fixed-person prior distribution for mixed-format test data. Applied Measurement in Education, 18(2), 199–215.

Petersen, N. S., Kolen, M. J., & Hoover, H. D. (1989). Scaling, norming, and equating. In R. L. Linn (Ed.), Educational measurement (3rd ed., pp. 221–262). New York: Macmillan.

Rasch, G. (1960). Probabilistic Models for Some Intelligence and Attainment Tests. Copenhagen: Danmarks Paedagogiske Institut.

Reckase, M. D., & Li, T. (2007). Estimating gain in achievement when content specifications change: a multidimensional item response theory approach. Assessing and modeling cognitive development in school. JAM Press, Maple Grove, MN.

Reckase, M. (2010). Study of best practices for vertical scaling and standard setting with recommendations for FCAT 2.0. Unpublished manuscript.

Stocking, M. L., & Lord, F. M. (1983). Developing a common metric in item response theory. Applied psychological measurement, 7(2), 201–210. doi:10.1177/014662168300700208

Thurstone, L. L. (1925). A method of scaling psychological and educational tests. Journal of educational psychology, 16(7), 433–451.

Thurstone, L. L. (1938). Primary mental abilities (Psychometric monographs No. 1). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Tong, Y., & Harris, D. J. (2004, April). The impact of choice of linking and scales on vertical scaling. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, San Diego, CA.

Tong, Y., & Kolen, M. J. (2008). Maintenance of vertical scales. In annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, New York City.

van der Linden, W. J., & Glas, C. A. W. (eds.). (2010). Elements of Adaptive Testing. New York, NY: Springer.

von Davier, A. A., Carstensen, C. H., & von Davier, M. (2006). Linking competencies in educational settings and measuring growth. ETS Research Report Series, 2006(1), i–36.

Wainer, H. (Ed.). (2000). Computerized adaptive testing: A Primer, 2nd Edn. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Wingersky, M. S., & Lord, F. M. (1983). An Investigation of Methods for Reducing Sampling Error in Certain IRT Procedures (ETS Research Reports Series No. RR-83-28-ONR). Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.

Yen, W. M. (1986). The choice of scale for educational measurement: An IRT perspective. Journal of Educational Measurement, 23(4), 299–325.

Yen, W. M., & Burket, G. R. (1997). Comparison of item response theory and Thurstone methods of vertical scaling. Journal of Educational Measurement, 34(4), 293–313.

concurrent calibration irt equating linking

Test equating refers to the issue of defensibly translating scores from one test form to another. That is, if you have an exam where half of students see one set of items while the other half see a different set, how do you know that a score of 70 is the same one both forms? What if one is a bit easier? If you are delivering assessments in conventional linear forms – or piloting a bank for CAT/LOFT – you are likely to utilize more than one test form, and, therefore, are faced with the issue of test equating.

When two test forms have been properly equated, educators can validly interpret performance on one test form as having the same substantive meaning compared to the equated score of the other test form (Ryan & Brockmann, 2009). While the concept is simple, the methodology can be complex, and there is an entire area of psychometric research devoted to this topic. This post will provide an overview of the topic.


Why do we need test linking and equating?

The need is obvious: to adjust for differences in difficulty to ensure that all examinees receive a fair score on a stable scale. Suppose you take Form A and get a score of 72/100 while your friend takes Form B and gets a score of 74/100. Is your friend smarter than you, or did his form happen to have easier questions?  What if the passing score on the exam was 73? Well, if the test designers built-in some overlap of items between the forms, we can answer this question empirically.

Suppose the two forms overlap by 50 items, called anchor items or equator items. They are delivered to a large, representative sample. Here are the results.

Mean score on 50 overlap items Mean score on 100 total items
30 72
32 74

Because the mean score on the anchor items was higher, we then think that the Form B group was a little smarter, which led to a higher total score.

Now suppose these are the results:

Mean score on 50 overlap items Mean score on 100 total items
32 72
32 74

Now, we have evidence that the groups are of equal ability. The higher total score on Form B must then be because the unique items on that form are a bit easier.


What is test equating?

According to Ryan and Brockmann (2009), “Equating is a technical procedure or process conducted to establish comparable scores, with equivalent meaning, on different versions of test forms of the same test; it allows them to be used interchangeably.” (p. 8). Thus, successful equating is an important factor in evaluating assessment validity, and, therefore, it often becomes an important topic of discussion within testing programs.

Practice has shown that scores, and tests producing scores, must satisfy very strong requirements to achieve this demanding goal of interchangeability. Equating would not be necessary if test forms were assembled as strictly parallel, meaning that they would have identical psychometric properties. In reality, it is almost impossible to construct multiple test forms that are strictly parallel, and equating is necessary to attune a test construction process.

Dorans, Moses, and Eignor (2010) suggest the following five requirements towards equating of two test forms:

  • tests should measure the same construct (e.g. latent trait, skill, ability);
  • tests should have the same level of reliability;
  • equating transformation for mapping the scores of tests should be the inverse function;
  • test results should not depend on the test form an examinee actually takes;
  • the equating function used to link the scores of two tests should be the same regardless of the choice of (sub) population from which it is derived.

Detecting item parameter drift (IPD) is crucial for the equating process because it helps in identifying items whose parameters have changed. By addressing IPD, test developers can ensure that the equating process remains valid and reliable.


How do I calculate an equating?

Classical test theory (CTT) methods include linear equating and equipercentile equating as well as several others. Some newer approaches that work well with small samples are Circle-Arc (Livingston & Kim, 2009) and Nominal Weights (Babcock, Albano, & Raymond, 2012).  Specific methods for linear equating include Tucker, Levine, and Chained (von Davier & Kong, 2003). Linear equating approaches are conceptually simple and easy to interpret; given the examples above, the equating transformation might be estimated with a slope of 1.01 and an intercept of 1.97, which would directly confirm the hypothesis that one form was about 2 points easier than the other.

Item response theory (IRT) approaches include equating through common items (equating by applying an equating constant, equating by concurrent or simultaneous calibration, and equating with common items through test characteristic curves), and common person calibration (Ryan & Brockmann, 2009). The common-item approach is quite often used, and specific methods for finding the constants (conversion parameters) include Stocking-Lord, Haebara, Mean/Mean, and Mean/Sigma. Because IRT assumes that two scales on the same construct differ by only a simple linear transformation, all we need to do is find the slope and intercept of that transformation. Those methods do so, and often produce nice looking figures like the one below from the program IRTEQ (Han, 2007). Note that the b parameters do not fall on the identity line, because there was indeed a difference between the groups, and the results clearly find that is the case.

IRTEQ IRT equating

Practitioners can equate forms with CTT or IRT. However, one of the reasons that IRT was invented was that equating with CTT was very weak. Hambleton and Jones (1993) explain that when CTT equating methods are applied, both ability parameter (i.e., observed score) and item parameters (i.e., difficulty and discrimination) are dependent on each other, limiting its utility in practical test development. IRT solves the CTT interdependency problem by combining ability and item parameters in one model. The IRT equating methods are more accurate and stable than the CTT methods (Hambleton & Jones, 1993; Han, Kolen, & Pohlmann, 1997; De Ayala, 2013; Kolen and Brennan, 2014) and provide a solid basis for modern large-scale computer-based tests, such as computerized adaptive tests (Educational Testing Service, 2010; OECD, 2017).

Of course, one of the reasons that CTT is still around in general is that it works much better with smaller samples, and this is also the case for CTT test equating (Babcock, Albano, & Raymond, 2012).


How do I implement test equating?

Test equating is a mathematically complex process, regardless of which method you use.  Therefore, it requires special software.  Here are some programs to consider.

  1. CIPE performs both linear and equipercentile equating with classical test theory. It is available from the University of Iowa’s CASMA site, which also includes several other software programs.
  2. IRTEQ is an easy-to-use program which performs all major methods of IRT Conversion equating.  It is available from the University of Massachusetts website, as well as several other good programs.
  3. There are many R packages for equating and related psychometric topics. This article claims that there are 45 packages for IRT analysis alone!
  4. If you want to do IRT equating, you need IRT calibration software. We highly recommend Xcalibre since it is easy to use and automatically creates reports in Word for you. If you want to do the calibration approach to IRT equating (both anchor-item and concurrent-calibration), rather than the conversion approach, this is handled directly by IRT software like Xcalibre. For the conversion approach, you need separate software like IRTEQ.

Equating is typically performed by highly trained psychometricians; in many cases, an organization will contract out to a testing company or consultant with the relevant experience. Contact us if you’d like to discuss this.


Does equating happen before or after delivery?

Both. These are called pre-equating and post-equating (Ryan & Brockmann, 2009).  Post-equating means the calculation is done after delivery and you have a full data set, for example if a test is delivered twice per year on a single day, we can do it after that day.  Pre-equating is more tricky, because you are trying to calculate the equating before a test form has ever been delivered to an examinee; but this is 100% necessary in many situations, especially those with continuous delivery windows.


How do I learn more about test equating?

If you are eager to learn more about the topic of equating, the classic reference is the book by Kolen and Brennan (2004; 2014) that provides the most complete coverage of score equating and linking.  There are other resources more readily available on the internet, like this free handbook from CCSSO. If you would like to learn more about IRT, we suggest the books by De Ayala (2008) and Embretson and Reise (2000). A brief intro of IRT equating is available on our website.

Several new ideas of general use in equating, with a focus on kernel equating, were introduced in the book by von Davier, Holland, and Thayer (2004). Holland and Dorans (2006) presented a historical background for test score linking, based on work by Angoff (1971), Flanagan (1951), and Petersen, Kolen, and Hoover (1989). If you look for a straightforward description of the major issues and procedures encountered in practice, then you should turn to Livingston (2004).

Want to learn more? Talk to a Psychometric Consultant!


Angoff, W. H. (1971). Scales, norms and equivalent scores. In R. L. Thorndike (Ed.), Educational measurement (2nd ed., pp. 508-600). American Council on Education.

Babcock, B., Albano, A., & Raymond, M. (2012). Nominal Weights Mean Equating: A Method for Very Small Samples. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 72(4), 1-21.

Dorans, N. J., Moses, T. P., & Eignor, D. R. (2010). Principles and practices of test score equating. ETS Research Report Series2010(2), i-41.

De Ayala, R. J. (2008). A commentary on historical perspectives on invariant measurement: Guttman, Rasch, and Mokken.

De Ayala, R. J. (2013). Factor analysis with categorical indicators: Item response theory. In Applied quantitative analysis in education and the social sciences (pp. 220-254). Routledge.

Educational Testing Service (2010). Linking TOEFL iBT Scores to IELTS Scores: A Research Report. Educational Testing Service.

Embretson, S. E., & Reise, S. P. (2000). Item response theory for psychologists. Maheah.

Flanagan, J. C. (1951). Units, scores, and norms. In E. F. Lindquist (Ed.), Educational measurement (pp. 695-763). American Council on Education.

Hambleton, R. K., & Jones, R. W. (1993). Comparison of classical test theory and item response theory and their applications to test development. Educational measurement: issues and practice12(3), 38-47.

Han, T., Kolen, M., & Pohlmann, J. (1997). A comparison among IRT true-and observed-score equatings and traditional equipercentile equating. Applied Measurement in Education10(2), 105-121.

Holland, P. W., & Dorans, N. J. (2006). Linking and equating. In R. L. Brennan (Ed.), Educational measurement (4th ed., pp. 187-220). Praeger.

Kolen, M. J., & Brennan, R. L. (2004). Test equating, linking, and scaling: Methods and practices (2nd ed.). Springer-Verlag.

Kolen, M. J., & Brennan, R. L. (2014). Item response theory methods. In Test Equating, Scaling, and Linking (pp. 171-245). Springer.

Livingston, S. A. (2004). Equating test scores (without IRT). ETS.

Livingston, S. A., & Kim, S. (2009). The Circle‐Arc Method for Equating in Small Samples. Journal of Educational Measurement 46(3): 330-343.

OECD (2017). PISA 2015 Technical Report. OECD Publishing.

Petersen, N. S., Kolen, M. J., & Hoover, H. D. (1989). Scaling, norming and equating. In R. L. Linn (Ed.), Educational measurement (3rd ed., pp. 221-262). Macmillan.

Ryan, J., & Brockmann, F. (2009). A Practitioner’s Introduction to Equating with Primers on Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory. Council of Chief State School Officers.

von Davier, A. A., Holland, P. W., & Thayer, D. T. (2004). The kernel method of test equating. Springer.

von Davier, A. A., & Kong, N. (2003). A unified approach to linear equating for non-equivalent groups design. Research report 03-31 from Educational Testing Service.


The Bookmark Method of standard setting (Lewis, Mitzel, & Green, 1996) is a scientifically-based approach to setting cutscores on an examination. It allows stakeholders of an assessment to make decisions and classifications about examinees that are constructive rather than arbitrary (e.g., 70%), meet the goals of the test, and contribute to overall validity. A major advantage of the bookmark method over others is that it utilizes difficulty statistics on all items, making it very data-driven; but this can also be a disadvantage in situations where such data is not available. It also has the advantage of panelist confidence (Karantonis & Sireci, 2006).

The bookmark method operates by delivering a test to a representative sample (or population) of examinees, and then calculating the difficulty statistics for each item. We line up the items in order of difficulty, and experts review the items to place a bookmark where they think a cutscore should be. Nowadays, we use computer screens, but of course in the past this was often done by printing the items in paper booklets, and the experts would literally insert a bookmark.

What is standard setting?

Standard setting (Cizek & Bunch, 2006) is an integral part of the test development process even though it has been undervalued outside of practitioners’ view in the past (Bejar, 2008). Standard setting is the methodology of defining achievement or proficiency levels and corresponding cutscores. A cutscore is a score that serves as a measure of classifying test takers into categories.

Educational assessments and credentialing examinations are often employed to distribute test takers among ordered categories according to their performance across specific content and skills (AERA, APA, & NCME, 2014; Hambleton, 2013). For instance, in tests used for certification and licensing purposes, test takers are typically classified as “pass”—those who score at or above the cutscore—and those who “fail”. In education, students are often classified in terms of proficiency; the Nation’s Report Card assessment (NAEP) in the United States classifies students as Below Basic, Basic, Proficient, Advanced.

However, assessment results could come into question unless the cutscores are appropriately defined. This is why arbitrary cutscores are considered indefensible and lacking validity. Instead, psychometricians help test sponsors to set cutscores using methodologies from the scientific literature, driven by evaluations of item and test difficulty as well as examinee performance.

When to use the bookmark method?

Two approaches are mainly used in international practice to establish assessment standards: the Angoff method (Cizek, 2006) and the Bookmark method (Buckendahl, Smith, Impara, & Plake, 2000). The Bookmark method, unlike the Angoff method, requires the test to be administered prior to defining cutscores based on test data. This provides additional weight to the validity of the process, and better informs the subject matter experts during the process. Of course, many exams require a cutscore to be set before it is published, which is impossible with the bookmark; the Angoff procedure is very useful then.

How do I implement the bookmark method?

The process of standard setting employing the Bookmark method consists of the following stages:

  1. Identify a team of subject matter experts (SMEs); their number should be around 6-12, and led by a test developer/psychometrician/statistician
  2. Analyze test takers’ responses by means of the item response theory (IRT)
  3. Create a list items according to item difficulty in an ascending order
  4. Define the competency levels for test takers; for example, have the 6-12 experts discuss what should differentiate a “pass” candidate from a “fail” candidate
  5. Experts read the items in the ascending order (they do not need to see the IRT values), and place a bookmark where appropriate based on professional judgement across well-defined levels
  6. Calculate thresholds based on the bookmarks set, across all experts
  7. If needed, discuss results and perform a second round


Example of the Bookmark Method

If there are four competency levels such as the NAEP example, then SMEs need to set up three bookmarks in-between: first bookmark is set after the last item in a row that fits the minimally competent candidate for the first level, then second and third. There are thresholds/cutscores from 1 to 2, 2 to 3, and 3 to 4. SMEs perform this individually without discussion, by reading the items.

When all SMEs have provided their opinion, the standard setting coordinator combines all results into one spreadsheet and leads the discussion when all participants express their opinion referring to the bookmarks set. This might look like the sheet below. Note that SME4 had a relatively high standard in their mind, while SME2 had a low standard in their mind – placing virtually every student above an IRT score of 0.0 into the top category!

bookmark method 1

After the discussion, the SMEs are given one more opportunity to set the bookmarks again. Usually, after the exchange of opinions, the picture alters. SMEs gain consensus, and the variation in the graphic is reduced.  An example of this is below.

bookmark method

What to do with the results?

Based on the SMEs’ voting results, the coordinator or psychometrician calculates the final thresholds on the IRT scale, and provides them to the analytical team who would ultimately prepare reports for the assessment across competency levels. This might entail score reports to examinees, feedback reports to teachers, and aggregate reports to test sponsors, government officials, and more.

You can see how the scientific approach will directly impact the interpretations of such reports. Rather than government officials just knowing how many students scored 80-90% correct vs 90-100% correct, the results are framed in terms of how many students are truly proficient in the topic. This makes decisions from test scores – both at the individual and aggregate levels – much more defensible and informative.  They become truly criterion-referenced.  This is especially true when the scores are equated across years to account for differences in examinee distributions and test difficulty, and the standard can be demonstrated to be stable.  For high-stakes examinations such as medical certification/licensure, admissions exams, and many more situations, this is absolutely critical.

Want to talk to an expert about implementing this for your exams?  Contact us.


[AERA, APA, & NCME] (American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, & National Council on Measurement in Education). (2014). Standards for educational and psychological testing. Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association.

Bejar, I. I. (2008). Standard setting: What is it? Why is it important. R&D Connections, 7, 1-6. Retrieved from

Buckendahl, C. W., Smith, R. W., Impara, J. C., & Plake, B. S. (2000). A comparison of Angoff and Bookmark standard setting methods. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL: October 25-28, 2000.

Cizek, G., & Bunch, M. (2006). Standard Setting: A Guide to Establishing and Evaluating Performance Standards on Tests.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Cizek, G. J. (2007). Standard setting. In Steven M. Downing and Thomas M. Haladyna (Eds.) Handbook of test development. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, pp. 225-258.

Hambleton, R. K. (2013). Setting performance standards on educational assessments and criteria for evaluating the process. In Setting performance standards, pp. 103-130. Routledge. Retrieved from

Karantonis, A., & Sireci, S. (2006). The Bookmark Standard‐Setting Method: A Literature Review. Educational Measurement Issues and Practice 25(1):4 – 12.

Lewis, D. M., Mitzel, H. C., & Green, D. R. (1996, June). Standard setting: A Book-mark approach. In D. R. Green (Chair),IRT-based standard setting procedures utilizing behavioral anchoring. Symposium conducted at the Council of Chief State School Officers National Conference on Large-Scale Assessment, Phoenix, AZ.


A test battery or assessment battery is a set multiple psychometrically-distinct exams delivered in one administration.  In some cases, these are various tests that are cobbled together for related purposes, such as a psychologist testing a 8 year old child on their intelligence, anxiety, and autism spectrum.  However, in many cases it is a single test title that we often refer to as a single test but is actually several separate tests, like a university admissions test that has English, Math, and Logical Reasoning components.  Why do so? The key here is that we want to keep them psychometrically separate, but maximize the amount of information about the person to meet the purposes of the test.

Learn more about our powerful exam platform that allows you to easily develop and deliver test batteries.


Examples of a Test Battery

Test batteries are used in a variety of fields, pretty much anywhere assessment is done.

Admissions and Placement Testing

The classic example is a university admissions test that has English, Math, and Logic portions.  These are separate tests, and psychometricians would calculate the reliability and other important statistics separately.  However, the scores are combined at the end to get an overall picture of examinee aptitude or achievement, and use that to maximally predict 4-graduation rates and other important criterion variables.

Why is is called a battery?  Because we are battering the poor student with not just one, but many exams!

Pre-Employment Testing

Exam batteries are often used in pre-employment testing.  You might get tested on computer skills, numerical reasoning, and noncognitive traits such as integrity or conscientiousness. These are used together to gain incremental validity.  A good example is the CAT-ASVAB, which is the selection test to get into the US Armed Forces.  There are 10 tests (vocabulary, math, mechanical aptitude…).

Psychological or Psychoeducational Assessment

In a clinical setting, clinicians will often use a battery of tests, such as IQ, autism, anxiety, and depression.  Some IQ tests themselves as a battery, as they might assess visual reasoning, logical reasoning, numerical reasoning, etc.  However, these have a positive manifold, meaning that they correlate quite highly with each other.  Another example is the Woodcock-Johnson.

K-12 Educational Assessment

Many large-scale tests that are used in schools are considered a battery, though often with only 2 or 3 aspects.  A common one in the USA is the NWEA Measures of Academic Progress.


Composite Scores

A composite score is a combination of scores in a battery.  If you took an admissions test like the SAT and GRE, you recall how it would add your scores on the different subtests, while the ACT test takes the average.  The ASVAB takes a linear combination of the 4 most important subtests and uses them for admission; the others are used for job matching.


A Different Animal: Test with Sections

The battery is different than a single test that has distinct sections.  For example, a K12 English test might have 10 vocab items, 10 sentence-completion grammar items, and 2 essays.  Such tests are usually analyzed as a single test, as they are psychometrically unidimensional.


How to Deliver A Test Battery

In ASC’s platforms,  and  FastTest, all this functionality is available out of the box: test batteries, composite scores, and sections within a test.  Moreover, they come with a lot of important functionality, such as separation of time limits, navigation controls, customizable score reporting, and more.  Click here to request a free account and start applying best practices.

Paper-and-pencil testing used to be the only way to deliver assessments at scale.  The introduction of computer-based testing (CBT) in the 1980s was a revelation – higher fidelity item types, immediate scoring & feedback, and scalability all changed with the advent of the personal computer and then later the internet.  Delivery mechanisms including remote proctoring provided students with the ability to take their exams anywhere in the world.  This all exploded tenfold when the pandemic arrived.  So why are some exams still offline, with paper and pencil?

Many education institutions are confused about which examination models to stick to.  Should you go on with the online model they used when everyone was stuck in their homes?  Should you adopt multi-modal examination models, or should you go back to the traditional pen-and-paper method?  

This blog post will provide you with an evaluation of whether paper-and-pencil exams are still worth it in 2021. 


Paper-and-pencil testing; The good, the bad, and the ugly

The Good

Answer Bubble Sheet OrangeOffline exams have been a stepping stone towards the development of modern assessment models that are more effective. We can’t ignore the fact that there are several advantages of traditional exams. 

Some advantages of paper-and-pencil testing include students having familiarity with the system, development of a social connection between learners, exemption from technical glitches, and affordability. Some schools don’t have the resources and pen-and-paper assessments are the only option available. 

This is especially true in areas of the world that do not have the internet bandwidth or other technology necessary to deliver internet-based testing.

Another advantage of paper exams is that they can often work better for students with special needs, such as blind students which need a reader.

Paper and pencil testing is often more cost-efficient in certain situations where the organization does not have access to a professional assessment platform or learning management system.


The Bad and The Ugly

However, the paper-and-pencil testing does have a number of shortfalls.

1. Needs a lot of resources to scale

Delivery of paper-and-pencil testing at large scale requires a lot of resources. You are printing and shipping, sometimes with hundreds of trucks around the country.  Then you need to get all the exams back, which is even more of a logistical lift.

2. Prone to cheating

Most people think that offline exams are cheat-proof but that is not the case. Most offline exams count on invigilators and supervisors to make sure that cheating does not occur. However, many pen-and-paper assessments are open to leakages. High candidate-to-ratio is another factor that contributes to cheating in offline exams.

3. Poor student engagement

We live in a world of instant gratification and that is the same when it comes to assessments. Unlike online exams which have options to keep the students engaged, offline exams are open to constant destruction from external factors.

Offline exams also have few options when it comes to question types. 

4. Time to score

To err is human.” But, when it comes to assessments, accuracy, and consistency. Traditional methods of hand-scoring paper tests are slow and labor-intensive. Instructors take a long time to evaluate tests. This defeats the entire purpose of assessments.

5. Poor result analysis

Pen-and-paper exams depend on instructors to analyze the results and come up with insight. This requires a lot of human resources and expensive software. It is also difficult to find out if your learning strategy is working or it needs some adjustments. 

6. Time to release results

Online exams can be immediate.  If you ship paper exams back to a single location, score them, perform psychometrics, then mail out paper result letters?  Weeks.

7. Slow availability of results to analyze

Similarly, psychometricians and other stakeholders do not have immediate access to results.  This prevents psychometric analysis, timely feedback to students/teachers, and other issues.

8. Accessibility

Online exams can be built with tools for zoom, color contrast changes, automated text-to-speech, and other things to support accessibility.

9. Convenience

traditional approach vs modern approach

Online tests are much more easily distributed.  If you publish one on the cloud, it can immediately be taken, anywhere in the world.

10. Support for diversified question types

Unlike traditional exams which are limited to a certain number of question types, online exams offer many question types.  Videos, audio, drag and drop, high-fidelity simulations, gamification, and much more are possible.

11. Lack of modern psychometrics

Paper exams cannot use computerized adaptive testing, linear-on-the-fly testing, process data, computational psychometrics, and other modern innovations.

12. Environmental friendliness

Sustainability is an important aspect of modern civilization.  Online exams eliminate the need to use resources that are not environmentally friendly such as paper. 



Is paper-and-pencil testing still useful?  In most situations, it is not.  The disadvantages outweigh the advantages.  However, there are many situations where paper remains the only option, such as poor tech infrastructure.

How ASC Can Help 

Transitioning from paper-and-pencil testing to the cloud is not a simple task.  That is why ASC is here to help you every step of the way, from test development to delivery.  We provide you with the best assessment software and access to the most experienced team of psychometricians.  Ready to take your assessments online?  Contact us!


Student assessment tools are a critical part of educational technology and are often integrated into Learning Management Systems (LMS), providing a seamless platform for both instruction and evaluation. These tools serve the important role of evaluating what the student has learned, so that the instructor and other stakeholders can adjust the instruction, either individually or at the aggregate level (school, district, state, country). The assessment of mathematical skills is particularly important, as it helps identify students’ proficiency and areas needing improvement in a subject that is foundational to many academic and career paths. However, there is a massive range of student assessment tools, from free software like Google Forms, which by its name is obviously not designed for educational assessment, to enterprise platforms designed for nationwide high-stakes exams. These tools can include various types of assessments, such as speeded and power tests, which measure different aspects of student performance. In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards incorporating gamification elements into assessment tools, aiming to enhance student engagement and motivation.

Here are some aspects to consider when evaluating student assessment tools.

Reporting, analysis, and visualization Free Version of Iteman-online assessment software

This is the most important consideration to make when evaluating student assessment tools. Reports are a measure of progress. They help educational institutions and businesses adjust their learning processes to improve assessment effectiveness.

Some tools to look out for about reporting and analysis include psychometric software such as  Xcalibre  (IRT Analysis),  Iteman  (Classical analysis),  CITAS, and many others. These tools should have visualization capabilities such as creating graphs and charts in relation to the assessment process.  The output should also be in a format that is easy to interpret.

Interested in getting free access to some of these psychometric analytical tools including Xcalibre, Iteman, and many others? Fill out this  form  to get free access to the tools.


The most common you make when looking for student assessment tools is not evaluating how robust the platform is. This can alter the learning process and cause financial ruin since you will have to get another system.  The ideal platform should be robust enough to handle any form of workload.


Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.-

Albert Einstein 

The best software is one that offers sophisticated solutions in a way that anyone can use. Student assessment software, especially in education, should be in its simplest use.

The interface shouldn’t be intimidating, and it should have important functions such as autosaving answers to avoid frustrating the examinee. The software should be cloud-based with no need to install it on devices.   The process of creating and managing item banks should be as simple as possible.

Item banking

Item Banking refers to the development and management of a large pool of high-quality test questions.  Items are treated as reusable objects, which allows you to more efficiently publish new test forms.  Items are stored with extensive historical metadata to drive validity.

The right student assessment tool should also support the best practices in workflow management and support collaboration.

Automated item generation

Automated item generation (AIG) refers to software tools that make it easier to generate new questions.  These can be template-based, as seen below, or generative based on LLMs like ChatGPT.

item template cpr.001


Compatibility with existing systems

Most businesses and education institutions already have a Learning Management System (LMS) in their workflow. The right student assessment tool should therefore be easy to sync with the existing system.  This is important because it would be costly and time-consuming to re-develop their entire system to integrate an assessment tool into the process.

Enhanced student assessment security

Cheating is one of the greatest concerns when it comes to student assessments. It is important to check the technologies and methods used by the software to curb infidelity.  Here are some functionalities you should look for in student assessment security:

Lockdown browser

This is a feature that limits the examinees to one screen. This stops them from accessing files from local storages or getting help. If an examinee attempts to access external software or a private tab in the browser, a notification is sent to the proctor who will take action.

AI flagging

AI flagging helps supervisors spot any suspicious behaviors using audios and videos captured during the examination period. Some actions that may indicate cheating include background audio, extras faces on the screen, and suspicious body language.

AI -flagging (online assesment software)
AI-Flagging In Action (


IP-based authentication

This is an interesting feature since it eliminates impersonation by using the examinees’ IP addresses for user identification. This can also eliminate cheating through remote access tools.

They are a few functionalities to look out for when vetting the security level of an student assessment platform. If you want to learn more about assessment security, feel free to check out this blog post.

Good customer support

We all get stuck once in a while and good customer support shouldn’t be ignored when looking for an assessment tool.

  • How long do they take to reply to a query by a customer?
  • Do they have a FAQs page?
  • How well is the software documented?
  • Have they implemented self-service support into their process?

Consider asking these questions when vetting customer support in student assessment tools.

Student assessment tool checklist

To sum up the article, here is a checklist to help you find the right platform for your needs.

  • What cheating prevention methods does it offer? (Lockdown browser, IP-based authentication, and IP-flagging)
  • How good is their item authoring functionality? Go for the one with tech-enhanced item types, classical item statistics storage, and a separate module for managing multimedia files.
  • How does the software offer online delivery? Check out for adaptive testing capabilities, customizable options, and brand-ability.
  • What is their reputation? Always be sure to check out what other people say about the brand and the software. How are their reviews online? Have they won any Ed-tech awards?
  • How good is their reporting? Choose the tool that offers classical item performance reports with  Iteman  and has visualization capabilities.
  • Does the software support remote proctoring?
  • Are all their test development modules in alignment with the best psychometric practices?
  • Do they offer multichannel support? How good is their documentation?
  • Is the software easy to use? Is it accessible from anywhere?  Always go for user-friendly software.
  • How well does it integrate with existing systems?
  • What type of assessments (formative, diagnostic, summative, synoptic, ipsative, or work-integrated assessments) are you looking for? Use this resource to help you differentiate between the types of online assessments.
  • Do they have an experienced team to help in test development and other consulting services?

Finding the right software for your needs is hard, especially in this competitive market. We hope this article, the long checklist specifically, helps you find the right exam software. If you are interested in having access to the best student assessment tools and psychometrics consulting, feel free to Contact us to discuss your needs.

If you are interested in leadership assessments, you might want to check out this post.

Item banking refers to the purposeful creation of a database of assessment items to serve as a central repository of all test content, improving efficiency and quality. The term item refers to what many call questions; though their content need not be restricted as such and can include problems to solve or situations to evaluate in addition to straightforward questions. Regular item review is essential to ensure that each item meets content standards, is fair, and is free from bias, thereby maintaining the integrity and accuracy of the item bank. As a critical foundation to the test development cycle, item banking is the foundation for the development of valid, reliable content and defensible test forms.

Automated item banking systems, such as  or  FastTest, result in significantly reduced administrative time for developing/reviewing items and assembling/publishing tests, while producing exams that have greater reliability and validity.  Contact us to request a free account.

What is Item Banking?

While there are no absolute standards in creating and managing item banks, best practice guidelines are emerging. Here are the essentials your should be looking for:

   Items are reusable objects; when selecting an item banking platform it is important to ensure that items can be used more than once; ideally, item performance should be tracked not only within a test form but across test forms as well.

   Item history and usage are tracked; the usage of a given item, whether it is actively on a test form or dormant waiting to be assigned, should be easily accessible for test developers to assess, as the over-exposure of items can reduce the validity of a test form. As you deliver your items, their content is exposed to examinees. Upon exposure to many examinees, items can then be flagged for retirement or revision to reduce cheating or teaching to the test.

   Items can be sorted; as test developers select items for a test form, it is imperative that they can sort items based on their content area or other categorization methods, so as to select a sample of items that is representative of the full breadth of constructs we intend to measure.

   Item versions are tracked; as items appear on test forms, their content may be revised for clarity. Any such changes should be tracked and versions of the same item should have some link between them so that we can easily review the performance of earlier versions in conjunction with current versions.

   Review process workflow is tracked; as items are revised and versioned, it is imperative that the changes in content and the users who made these changes are tracked. In post-test assessment, there may be a need for further clarification, and the ability to pinpoint who took part in reviewing an item and expedite that process.

   Metadata is recorded; any relevant information about an item should be recorded and stored with the item. The most common applications for metadata that we see are author, source, description, content area, depth of knowledge, item response theory parameters, and classical test theory statistics, but there are likely many data points specific to your organization that is worth storing.


Managing an Item Bank

Names are important. As you create or import your item banks it is important to identify each item with a unique, but recognizable name. Naming conventions should reflect your bank’s structure and should include numbers with leading zeros to support true numerical sorting.  You might want to also add additional pieces of information.  If importing, the system should be smart enough to recognize duplicates.

Search and filter. The system should also have a reliable sorting mechanism. 

automated item generation cpr


Prepare for the Future: Store Extensive Metadata

Metadata is valuable. As you create items, take the time to record simple metadata like author and source. Having this information can prove very useful once the original item writer has moved to another department, or left the organization. Later in your test development life cycle, as you deliver items, you have the ability to aggregate and record item statistics. Values like discrimination and difficulty are fundamental to creating better tests, driving reliability, and validity.

Statistics are used in the assembly of test forms while classical statistics can be used to estimate mean, standard deviation, reliability, standard error, and pass rate. 

Item banking statistics

Item response theory parameters can come in handy when calculating test information and standard error functions. Data from both psychometric theories can be used to pre-equate multiple forms.

In the event that your organization decides to publish an adaptive test, utilizing computerized adaptive testing delivery, item parameters for each item will be essential. This is because they are used for intelligent selection of items and scoring examinees. Additionally, in the event that the integrity of your test or scoring mechanism is ever challenged, documentation of validity is essential to defensibility and the storage of metadata is one such vital piece of documentation.


Increase Content Quality: Track Workflow

Utilize a review workflow to increase quality. Using a standardized review process will ensure that all items are vetted in a similar matter. Have a step in the process for grammar, spelling, and syntax review, as well as content review by a subject matter expert. As an item progresses through the workflow, its development should be tracked, as workflow results also serve as validity documentation.

Accept comments and suggestions from a variety of sources. It is not uncommon for each item reviewer to view an item through their distinctive lens. Having a diverse group of item reviewers stands to benefit your test-takers, as they are likely to be diverse as well!

item review kanban


Keep Your Items Organized: Categorize Them

Identify items by content area. Creating a content hierarchy can also help you to organize your item bank and ensure that your test covers the relevant topics. Most often, we see content areas defined first by an analysis of the construct(s) being tested. In the event of a high school science test, this may include the evaluation of the content taught in class. A high-stakes certification exam, almost always includes a job-task analysis. Both methods produce what is called a test blueprint, indicating how important various content areas are to the demonstration of knowledge in the areas being assessed.

Once content areas are defined, we can assign items to levels or categories based on their content. As you are developing your test, and invariably referring back to your test blueprint, you can use this categorization to determine which items from each content area to select.


The Benefits of Item Banking

There is no doubt that item banking is a key aspect of developing and maintaining quality assessments. Utilizing best practices, and caring for your items throughout the test development life cycle, will pay great dividends as it increases the reliability, validity, and defensibility of your assessment. Moreover, good item banking will make the job easier and more efficient thus reducing the cost of item development and test publishing.


Ready to Improve assessment quality through item banking?

Visit our Contact Us page, where you can request a demonstration or a free account (up to 500 items).  I also recommend you watch this tutorial video.

standard setting

If you have worked in the field of assessment and psychometrics, you have undoubtedly encountered the word “standard.” While a relatively simple word, it has the potential to be confusing because it is used in three (and more!) completely different but very important ways. Here’s a brief discussion.

Standard = Cutscore

As noted by the well-known professor Gregory Cizek here, “standard setting refers to the process of establishing one or more cut scores on a test.” The various methods of setting a cutscore, like Angoff or Bookmark, are referred to as standard setting studies. In this context, the standard is the bar that separates a Pass from a Fail. We use methods like the ones mentioned to determine this bar in as scientific and defensible fashion as possible, and give it more concrete meaning than an arbitrarily selected round number like 70%. Selecting a round number like that will likely get you sued since there is no criterion-referenced interpretation.

Standard = Blueprint

If you work in the field of education, you often hear the term “educational standards.” These refer to the curriculum blueprints for an educational system, which also translate into assessment blueprints, because you want to assess what is on the curriculum. Several important ones in the USA are noted here, perhaps the most common of which nowadays is the Common Core State Standards, which attempted to standardize the standards across states. These standards exist to standardize the educational system, by teaching what a group of experts have agreed upon should be taught in 6th grade Math classes for example. Note that they don’t state how or when a topic should be taught, merely that 6th Grade Math should cover Number Lines, Measurement Scales, Variables, whatever – sometime in the year.

Standard = Guideline

If you work in the field of professional certification, you hear the term just as often but in a different context, accreditation standards. The two most common are the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) and the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB). These two organizations are a consortium of credentialing bodies that give a stamp of approval to credentialing bodies, stating that a Certification or Certificate program is legit. Why? Because there is no law to stop me from buying a textbook on any topic, writing 50 test questions in my basement, and selling it as a Certification. It is completely a situation of caveat emptor, and these organizations are helping the buyers by giving a stamp of approval that the certification was developed with accepted practices like a Job Analysis, Standard Setting Study, etc.

In addition, there are the professional standards for our field. These are guidelines on assessment in general rather than just credentialing. Two great examples are the AERA/APA/NCME Standards for Educational and Psychological Measurement and the International Test Commission’s Guidelines (yes they switch to that term) on various topics.

Also: Standardized = Equivalent Conditions

The word is also used quite frequently in the context of standardized testing, though it is rarely chopped to the root word “standard.” In this case, it refers to the fact that the test is given under equivalent conditions to provide greater fairness and validity. A standardized test does NOT mean multiple choice, bubble sheets, or any of the other pop connotations that are carried with it. It just means that we are standardizing the assessment and the administration process. Think of it as a scientific experiment; the basic premise of the scientific method is holding all variables constant except the variable in question, which in this case is the student’s ability. So we ensure that all students receive a psychometrically equivalent exam, with equivalent (as much as possible) writing utensils, scrap paper, computer, time limit, and all other practical surroundings. The problem comes with the lack of equivalence in access to study materials, prep coaching, education, and many bigger questions… but those are a societal issue and not a psychometric one.

So despite all the bashing that the term gets, a standardized test is MUCH better than the alternatives of no assessment at all, or an assessment that is not a level playing field and has low reliability. Consider the case of hiring employees: if assessments were not used to provide objective information on applicant skills and we could only use interviews (which are famously subjective and inaccurate), all hiring would be virtually random and the amount of incompetent people in jobs would increase a hundredfold. And don’t we already have enough people in jobs where they don’t belong?


One of the most cliche phrases associated with assessment is “teaching to the test.”  I’ve always hated this phrase, because it is only used in a derogatory matter, almost always by people who do not understand the basics of assessment and psychometrics.  I recently saw it mentioned in this article on PISA, and that was one time too many, especially since it was used in an oblique, vague, and unreferenced manner.

So, I’m going to come out and say something very unpopular: in most cases, TEACHING TO THE TEST IS A GOOD THING.

Why teaching to the test is usually a good thing

If the test reflects the curriculum – which any good test will – then someone who is teaching to the test will be teaching to the curriculum. Which, of course, is the entire goal of teaching. The phrase “teaching to the test” is used in an insulting sense, especially because the alliteration is resounding and sellable, but it’s really not a bad thing in most cases.  If a curriculum says that 4th graders should learn how to add and divide fractions, and the test evaluates this, what is the problem? Especially if it uses modern methodology like adaptive testing or tech-enhanced items to make the process more engaging and instructional, rather than oversimplifying to a text-only multiple choice question on paper bubble sheets?

The world of credentialing assessment, this is an extremely important link.  Credential tests start with a job analysis study, which surveys professionals to determine what they consider to be the most important and frequently used skills in the job.  This data is then transformed into test blueprints. Instructors for the profession, as well as aspiring students that are studying to pass the test, then focus on what is in the blueprints.  This, of course, still contains the skills that are most important and frequently used in the job!

So what is the problem then?

Now, telling teachers how to teach is more concerning, and more likely to be a bad thing.  Finland does well because it gives teachers lots of training and then power to choose how they teach, as noted in the PISA article.

As a counterexample, my high school math department made an edict starting my sophomore year thaborderline method educational assessmentt all teachers had to use the “Chicago Method.” It was pure bunk and based on the fact that students should be doing as much busy work as possible instead of the teachers actually teaching. I think it is because some salesman convinced the department head to make the switch so that they would buy a thousand brand new textbooks.  The method makes some decent points (here’s an article from, coincidentally, when I was a sophomore in high school) but I think we ended up with a bastardization of it, as the edict was primarily:

  1. Assign students to read the next chapter in class (instead of teaching them!); go sit at your desk.
  2. Assign students to do at least 30 homework questions overnight, and come back tomorrow with any questions they have.
  3. Answer any questions, then assign them the next chapter to read.  Whatever you do, DO NOT teach them about the topic before they start doing the homework questions.  Go sit at your desk.

Isn’t that preposterous?  Unsurprisingly, after two years of this, I went from being a leader of the Math Team to someone who explicitly said “I am never taking Math again”.  And indeed, I managed to avoid all math during my senior year of high school and first year of college. Thankfully, I had incredible professors in my years at Luther College, leading to me loving math again, earning a math major, and applying to grad school in psychometrics.  This shows the effect that might happen with “telling teachers how to teach.” Or in this case, specifically – and bizarrely – to NOT teach.

What about all the bad tests out there?

Now, let’s get back to the assumption that a test does reflect a curriculum/blueprints.  There are, most certainly, plenty of cases where an assessment is not designed or built well.  That’s an entirely different problem, and is an entirely valid concern. I have seen a number of these in my career.  This danger why we have international standards on assessments, like AERA/APA/NCME and NCCA.  These provide guidelines on how a test should be build, sort of like how you need to build a house according to building code and not just throwing up some walls and a roof.

ansi accreditation certification exam candidates

For example, there is nothing that is stopping me from identifying a career that has a lot of people looking to gain an edge over one another to get a better job… then buying a textbook, writing 50 questions in my basement, and throwing it up on a nice-looking website to sell as a professional certification.  I might sell it for $395, and if I get just 100 people to sign up, I’ve made $39,500!!!! This violates just about every NCCA guideline, though. If I wanted to get a stamp of approval that my certification was legit – as well as making it legally defensible – I would need to follow the NCCA guidelines.

My point here is that there are definitely bad tests out there, just like there are millions of other bad products in the world.  It’s a matter of caveat emptor. But just because you had some cheap furniture on college that broke right away, doesn’t mean you swear off on all furniture.  You stay away from bad furniture.

There’s also the problem of tests being misused, but again that’s not a problem with the test itself.  Certainly, someone making decisions is uninformed. It could actually be the best test in the world, with 100% precision, but if it is used for an invalid application then it’s still not a good situation.  For example, if you took a very well-made exam for high school graduation and started using it for employment decisions with adults. Psychometricians call this validity – that we have evidence to support the intended use of the test and interpretations of scores.  It is the #1 concern of assessment professionals, so if a test is being misused, it’s probably by someone without a background in assessment.

So where do we go from here?

Put it this way, if an overweight person is trying to become fitter, is success more likely to come from changing diet and exercise habits, or from complaining about their bathroom scale?  Complaining unspecifically about a high school graduation assessment is not going to improve education; let’s change how we educate our children to prepare them for that assessment, and ensure that the assessment reflects the goals of the education.  Nevertheless, of course, we need to invest in making the assessment as sound and fair as we can – which is exactly why I am in this career.

Want to get a graduate degree in psychometrics, measurement, and assessment?  This field is definitely a small niche in the academic world, despite being an integral part of everyone’s life. When I’m trying to explain what I do to people from outside the field, I’m often asked something like, “Where do you even go to study something like that?”  I’m also frequently asked by people already in the field where they can go to get a graduate degree, especially on sophisticated topics like item response theory or adaptive testing

Well, there are indeed a good number of Ph.D. programs, though they have a range of titles, as you can see below.  This can make them tough to find even if you are specifically looking for them.

Note: This list is not intended to be comprehensive, but rather a sampling of the most well-known or unique programs.

If you want to do deeper research and are actually shopping for a grad school, I highly recommend you check out a comprehensive list of programs on the NCME website.   I also recommend the SIOP list of grad programs; they are for I/O psychology but many of them have professors with expertise in things like assessment validation or item response theory.


How to choose a graduate degree in psychometrics?

Here’s an oversimplification of how I see the selection of education…

  1. When you are in high school and selecting a university or college, you are selecting a school.
  2. When you are 18-20 and selecting a major, you are selecting a department.
  3. When you are selecting where to pursue a Master’s, you are selecting a program.
  4. When you are selecting where to pursue a Ph.D., you are selecting an advisor.

The key point: When you do a Ph.D., you are going to spend a lot of time working one on one with your advisor, both for the dissertation but also likely for research projects.  It is therefore vital that you selected someone who not only aligns with your interests (otherwise you’ll be bored and disengaged) but also whom you quite simply like enough at a personal level to work one on one for several years!  This is arguably the most important thing to consider when choosing where to attain your graduate degree.

Programs in the US

University of Minnesota: Quantitative/Psychometrics Program (Psychology) and Quantitative Foundations of Educational Research (Education)

I’m partial to this one since it is where I completed my Ph.D., with Prof. David J. Weiss in the Psychology Department.  The UMN is interesting in that it actually has two separate graduate programs in psychometrics: the one in Psychology, which has since become more focused on quantitative psychology, but also one in the Education department.


University of Massachusetts: Research, Educational Measurement, and Psychometrics (REMP)

For many years, if you wanted to learn item response theory, you read Item Response Theory. Principles and Applications by Hambleton and Swaminathan (1985).  These were two longtime professors at UMass, and it speaks to the quality of that program.  Both have since retired but the faculty remains excellent.  Also, note that the program website has a nice page on psychometric resources and software.


University of Iowa: Center for Advanced Studies in Measurement and Assessment

This program is in the Education department, and has the advantage of being in one of the epicenters of the industry: the testing giant ACT is headquartered only a few miles away, the giant Pearson has an office in town, and the Iowa Test of Basic Skills is an offshoot of the university itself.  Like UMass, Iowa also has a website with educational materials and useful software.


University of Wisconsin-Madison

UW has well-known professors like Daniel Bolt and James Wollack.  Plus, Madison is well-known for being a fun city given its small size.  The large K-12 testing company, Renaissance Learning, is headquartered only a few miles away.


University of Nebraska – Lincoln: Quantitative, Qualitative & Psychometric Methods

For many years, the cornerstones of this program were the husband-and-wife duo of James Impara and Barbara Plake.  They’ve now retired, but excellent new professors have joined.  In addition, UNL is the home of the Buros Institute.


University of Kansas: Research, Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics

Not far from Lincoln, NE is Lawrence, Kansas.  The program here has been around a long time, with excellent faculty.  Students have an option for practical experience working at the Achievement and Assessment Institute.


Michigan State University: Measurement and Quantitative Methods

Like most of the rest of these programs, it is in a vibrant college town.  The focus is more on quantitative methods than assessment.


UNC-Greensboro: Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation

While most programs listed here are in the northern USA, this one is in the southern part of the country, where such programs are smaller and fewer.  UNCG is quite strong however.


University of Texas: Quantitative Methods

UT, like some of the other programs, has an advantage in that the educational assessment arm of Pearson is located there.


Boston College: Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics, and Assessment (MESA)

This program is involved in international research such as TIMSS & PIRLS.


Morgan State University: Graduate Program in Psychometrics

Morgan State is unique in that it is a historically black institution that has an excellent program dedicated to psychometrics.


Fordham University: Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology

Fordham has an excellent program, located in New York City.


James Madison University: Assessment and Measurement

While not as large as the major public universities on this list, JMU has a strong, practically focused program in psychometrics.


Programs outside the US

University of Alberta:  Measurement, Evaluation, and Data Science

This is arguably the leading program in all of Canada.


University of British Columbia: Measurement, Evaluation, and Research Methodology

UBC is home to Bruno Zumbo, one of the most prolific researchers in the field.


University of Twente: Research Methodology, Measurement, and Data Analysis

For decades, Twente has been the center of psychometrics in Europe, with professors like Wim van der Linden, Theo Eggen, Cees Glas, and Bernard Veldkamp.  It’s also linked with Cito, the premier testing company in Europe, which provides excellent opportunities to apply your skills.


University of Amsterdam: Psychological Methods

This program has a number of well-known professors, with expertise in both psychometrics and quantitative psychology.


University of Cambridge: The Psychometrics Centre

The Psychometrics Centre at Cambridge includes professors John Rust and David Stillwell.  It hosted the 2015 IACAT conference and is the home to the open-source CAT platform Concerto.


KU Leuven: Research Group of Quantitative Psychology and Individual Differences

This is home to well-known researchers such as Paul De Boeck.


University of Western Australia: Pearson Psychometrics Laboratory

This is home to David Andrich, best known for the Rasch Rating Scale Model.


University of Oslo: Assessment, Measurement, and Evaluation

This program provides an opportunity in the Nordic/Scandinavian countries, with a program in assessment and psychometrics.


Online Programs

There are very few programs that offer graduate training in psychometrics that is 100% online.  Here’s the only one I know of.  If you know of another one, please get in touch with me.

The University of Illinois at Chicago: Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics, and Assessment

This program is of particular interest because it has an online Master’s program, which allows you to get a high-quality graduate degree in psychometrics from just about anywhere in the world.  One of my colleagues here at ASC has recently enrolled in this program.


We hope the article helps you find the best institution to pursue your graduate degree in psychometrics.